Overriding the encapsulated :host-style of external component

Benedikt Beun

Is it possible to override :host-styling of an external angular2-component?

We're making a library including a sidebar-component. This component has a default (fallback) background, but this should be overridable by css/theme used in the app.

    selector: 'sidebar',
    styles: [`
        :host { background-color: green; }         
    template: `
export class SideBarComponent { .... }

Main App css:

    sidebar {background: red; color: yellow; }

This returns a sidebar with green background and yellow text, but I want a red background...

Benedikt Beun


As found on http://blog.angular-university.io/how-to-create-an-angular-2-library-and-how-to-consume-it-jspm-vs-webpack/: add an attribute to the body-tag:

<body override>

And in your css: use a selector for this attribute:

[override] hello-world h1 {

This way, your css does not have to be parsed.

Previous solution:

I've found a solution myself: instead of linking my (theming) css-file in index.html, which isn't parsed, I imported this particular css-file in the app.component.ts annotation.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      <link rel="stylesheet/css" type="text/css" href="/assets/style/app.css" />


import { ... }
    selector: 'app',
    styles: [`
        @import "assets/style/theme.css";
    template: `
export class AppComponent {...}


sidebar {background: red; }

Collected from the Internet

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