Passing malloc struct array through a function


I'm creating a game that creates a struct of creatures and struct of rooms using malloc. In my first function, i create the amount of rooms that the user inputs. I then ask the user for the status of the room either 1 2 or 3 then ask the cords for north south east and west. That is all for this function. Everything is fine up to this point. Then when i create my creatures, I initialize them through input via user. I ask the user for the creature type which can only be 0 1 or 2, then ask for the location of the creature and the location will be associated with the room number. So if creature location is 1 then its in room 1. but for some reason it changes my cords in my rooms in the creature function. Literally changes them out of no where.

Example, I enter for 4 rooms, first room 0,1,2,3,4 then second room 3,1,2,4,3 then same for room 3 and four. For now, the cords dont matter but my problem is that through the creature function, it changes my cords for some reason. Can someone please help me. I know this is a lot of code but I'm out of ideas

struct room
   int roomNum;
   int creaturesTotal;
   int roomStatus;
   int roomTotal;
   int north;
   int south;
   int east;
   int west;

struct Creatures
  int creatureType;
  int creatureNum;
  int location;

 int main()
int numberofrooms = 0;
int numberofcreatures = 0;

/*ask user for rooms and creatures*/
printf("How many rooms? Max 10 rooms: ");
/*make sure its under 10 rooms*/
while(numberofrooms > 10)
    printf("\nToo many rooms!\n");
    printf("How many rooms? Max 10 rooms: ");

printf("How many creatures? Max 100 creatures: ");

while(numberofcreatures > 100)
    printf("\nToo many creatures! MAX 100 creatures please!\n");
    printf("How many creatures? Max 100 creatures: ");

  struct Creatures*AllCreatures = malloc(numberofcreatures * sizeof(numberofcreatures));
  struct room *AllRooms = malloc(numberofrooms * sizeof(numberofrooms));

  createRooms(numberofrooms, AllRooms);

void createCreatures(int numberofcreatures, struct Creatures* AllCreatures,struct room* AllRooms)
  int location;

  int counter = 0;
  int PC = 0;

//ask the user for creatures and check the inputs
for(int i=0; i < numberofcreatures; i++)
    int creatureType;

        printf("\nType of Creature, Location: ");

        //if room is full
        while(AllRooms[location].roomTotal == 10)
            printf("\nRoom is already full!\n");
            printf("\nType of Creature, Location: ");

            //make sure isnt invalid creature num in nested while loop
            while(creatureType < 0 || creatureType > 2)
                printf("\ninvalid creature type\n");
                printf("\nType of Creature, Location: ");

        //if room isnt full but invalid creature type
        while(creatureType < 0 || creatureType > 2)
            printf("\ninvalid creature type\n");
            printf("\nType of Creature, Location: ");

         if(creatureType == 0)
             while(PC > 1)
                 printf("\nThere is already a PC player, enter again");
                 printf("\nType of Creature, Location: ");
                 if(creatureType == 1 || creatureType == 2)

    //print out the creatures with the room numbers
    AllCreatures[i].location = location;
    AllCreatures[i].creatureType = creatureType;
    AllCreatures[i].creatureNum = counter;

    //AllRooms[AllCreatures[i].location].roomTotal = AllRooms[AllCreatures[i].location].roomTotal + 1;

for(int i=0; i < numberofcreatures; i++)
    printf("\n Creature num %d, type %d, location %d\n",AllCreatures[i].creatureNum, AllCreatures[i].creatureType,AllCreatures[i].location);

//create all rooms
void createRooms(int numberofrooms,struct room* AllRooms)
   int counter = 0;
   int status;
   int north;
   int south;
   int east;
   int west;

//ask the user for the cords
for(int i =0; i < numberofrooms;i++)
    printf("Room Number %d state north south east west: ",counter);
    AllRooms[i].roomStatus = status;
    AllRooms[i].north = north;
    AllRooms[i].south = south;
    AllRooms[i].east = east;
    AllRooms[i].west = west;
    AllRooms[i].roomNum = counter;
    AllRooms[i].roomTotal = 0;

//print out the cords
for(int i =0; i < numberofrooms;i++)
Jake Armendariz

Malloc Error Not sure if this is the cause of the problem, but you aren't allocating enough space.

Current: struct Creatures*AllCreatures = malloc(numberofcreatures * sizeof(numberofcreatures)); struct room *AllRooms = malloc(numberofrooms * sizeof(numberofrooms));

Change to: struct Creatures*AllCreatures = malloc(numberofcreatures * sizeof(struct Creatures)); struct room *AllRooms = malloc(numberofrooms * sizeof(struct room));

This could be the problem, but if it doesn't fix it comment on this and I will red more to see if I can solve it.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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