C malloc segmentation fault struct


In the textbook my teacher provided us, there is this C code's sample, which when I try to run gives a Segmentation Fault error:

const celula *nulo = NULL;
typedef char informacao;
typedef celula *noh;
typedef celula *arvore;
struct celula {informacao info; noh pai; noh fesq; noh idir;};


typedef struct celfloresta celfloresta;
typedef struct celfloresta *floresta;
typedef struct celfloresta *posicfloresta;
struct celfloresta {arvore elem; celfloresta *prox;};


void FormarListaNohs(){
    floresta p = (floresta)malloc(sizeof(celfloresta));
    p->elem->info = '3';


Why does the line p->elem->info = '3'; give segmentation fault here?

Saucy Goat

elem is a pointer. You need to allocate memory for it:

p->elem = malloc(sizeof(arvore));

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