Count where Column is True, Grouped By Another in Pandas


Given a DataFrame like this:

dft = pd.DataFrame([[12, 'Bob', True], 
                   [123, 'Henry', False], 
                   [768, 'Bob', False]], 
                   columns=['TID', 'UID', 'TRUTH'])

Which looks like this:

0   12    Bob   True
1  123  Henry  False
3  768    Bob  False

I want to aggregate over UID and count where TRUTH is True. So the output should look like:

0    Bob      1
1  Henry      0

I have already tried:

 dft.groupby('UID').agg({'TRUTH': pd.Series.nunique})  # counts all values T and F

I am conceptually struggling to see how to put the condition together with the aggregation.

Thanks for your help!

Joe T. Boka

Is this what you're looking for?



Bob      1
Henry    0
Name: TRUTH, dtype: int32

Collected from the Internet

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