Using 32 bit library from 64 bit project - .NET


Our application is all 64 bit. We got ADODB provider to 3rd party database (nexusdb). It's 32 bit and consists of .NET library (which we reference just fine) and I beleive C .dll which is 32 bit. So, when we compile in 32 bit it works, in 64 it complains that it can't find C .dll.

How can we solve this issue without compiling our code to 32 bit?


3rd party DLL's as follow: ADONET.dll - this is .NET native DLL that I reference and it references just fine. ADONETProvider.dll - this is non-.NET 32 bit DLL that I just keep in bin/ folder.

I DO NOT want to compile my project for x86 because I reference many other projects and they all 64.

I want to make sure that ADONET.dll somehow called in "32 bit mode"

Franz Wimmer

You have to use some kind of surrogate process and IPC to access a 32 bit dll from a 64bit process.

Some time ago I wrote the LegacyWrapper project that hides this behind a simple API call. You may want to see the corresponding blog post for technical details.

Edit: Since Version 2.1, LegacyWrapper also supports loading 64bit DLLs from a 32bit process.

Collected from the Internet

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