calculate mean from cell array with mixed numbers and strings


I have a cell array containing numbers and strings. Can someone help me with a code that can calculate the mean of the numbers in each row?

Mix = {

      'U'             [4.7506e+05]    [5.0141e+05]    [5.4067e+05]    [    542976]    [5.7124e+05]
      [3.9810e+05]    [4.4926e+05]    'U'             [    531440]    [5.3655e+05]    'O' 
      [3.0915e+05]    [3.6336e+05]    [3.7107e+05]    [3.8252e+05]    [3.3988e+05]    [4.3384e+05]
      'U'             'U'             'U'             'O'             'U'             [3.7107e+05]         
      'U'             [3.7107e+05]    'U'             [3.8252e+05]    'U'             'O'     }

I did solve it with some help from a previous question: Find mean of an array with both numbers and strings with Matlab


for k = 1:num
    isNum = cellfun(@isnumeric, Mix(k,:)); % find number in the row
    Y(k,1) = mean(cell2mat(Mix(k,isNum))); % convert to mat for mean
Luis Mendo

Here's a way:

Y = mean(str2double(cellfun(@num2str, Mix, 'UniformOutput', false)), 2, 'omitnan');

This works as follows:

  1. cellfun(@num2str, Mix, 'UniformOutput', false) converts each cell to a string.
  2. str2double(...) converts each cell into a number. This gives NaN for cells that didn't originally contain a number. The result is a standard, numeric array.
  3. mean(..., 2, 'omitnan') computes the mean of each row ignoring NaN values.

Collected from the Internet

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