Fast and elegant way to calculate fold change between several groups for many variables?

Jan Stanstrup

Out of curiosity I have been playing with several ways to calculate fold changes and I am trying to find the fastest and the most elegant way to do that (hoping that would also be the same solution).

The kind of matrix I am interested in would look like this:

# Some data
nvars <- 10000
nsamples <- 500
sample_groups <- 5
MAT <- replicate(nvars, runif(n=nsamples))

And a grouping vector that look like this:

f <- rep_len(1:sample_groups, nsamples)
f <- LETTERS[f]

The output I would like in the end from the above input is a 10 x 10,000 matrix with one row for each combination of the levels in f.

To do this the first task is to calculate the mean for each group for all column. I have come up with 4 possible methods to do that:

# Settings
aggr_FUN  <- mean
combi_FUN <- function(x,y) "/"(x,y) 

# helper function
pasteC <- function(x,y) paste(x,y,sep=" - ")

#A1. Loop
f_un <- unique(f)
temp1 <- matrix(NA,nrow = length(f_un),ncol=ncol(MAT))
rownames(temp1) <- f_un

for(i in 1:length(f_un)){
  temp1[i,] <- apply(MAT[f_un[i] == f,,drop=FALSE],2,aggr_FUN)

 user  system elapsed 
   0.41    0.00    0.41 

#A2. aggregate
temp2 <- aggregate(. ~ class, data =,MAT), aggr_FUN)

 user  system elapsed 
   7.76    0.05    7.81 

#A3. reshape2
temp3 <- recast(data.frame(class=f,MAT),class ~ variable,id.var="class",aggr_FUN)

  user  system elapsed 
   1.82    0.30    2.12 

#A4. purrr
temp4 <- data.frame(class = f, MAT) %>%
  slice_rows("class") %>%
  by_slice(map, aggr_FUN)

   user  system elapsed 
   0.47    0.00    0.47 

As you can see the loop is actually the fastest solution with the purrr package being only slightly slower. recast is 5 times slower and aggregate is a clear looser. I also tried the dplyr package but that turned out to be very slow for some reason (

purrr is both fast and elegant so for this part it is a pretty academic exercise looking for a better way.

At this point the output we have is:

> temp1[,1:6]
       [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]
A 0.4804964 0.4779168 0.5292458 0.4401357 0.4728515 0.5009800
B 0.4819612 0.5260592 0.5291887 0.5095620 0.4840777 0.4792213
C 0.4661714 0.4886010 0.5006018 0.5061170 0.5058892 0.5432819
D 0.4566942 0.4519988 0.5334207 0.4912822 0.4542889 0.4898384
E 0.4967948 0.5630683 0.4941777 0.5239327 0.5045152 0.5227140

So if you are still reading here comes the more challenging part. We need to calculate the fold change between all combinations of the groups/rows.

I found two ways to do this:

#B1. by loop
combs <- t(combn(as.character(f_un),2))
combi_FUN_vec <- Vectorize(combi_FUN)

out <- matrix(NA,nrow = nrow(combs),ncol=ncol(temp1))
rownames(out) <- pasteC(combs[,1],combs[,2])
colnames(out) <- 1:ncol(temp1)


for( i in 1:nrow(combs)){
  out[i,] <- combi_FUN_vec(    temp1[combs[i,1],]      ,         temp1[combs[i,2],]   )


  user  system elapsed 
   0.13    0.00    0.13

#B2. by apply
class_computed <- as.character(temp2[,1])
temp2 <- as.matrix(temp2[,-1])
combs <- t(combn(class_computed,2))
rownames(temp2) <- class_computed

combi_FUN_vec <- Vectorize(combi_FUN)


out <- apply(temp2,2,function(x){
  v <- combi_FUN_vec(    x[combs[,1]]      ,        x[combs[,2]]    )
  names(v) <- pasteC(combs[,1],combs[,2])


   user  system elapsed 
   0.91    0.00    0.91 

Not surprisingly the loop is a clear winner and the output is this:

> out[,1:5]
              1         2         3         4         5
A - B 1.2128952 1.0161608 0.9313115 0.9767619 1.0132362
A - C 1.0946079 1.0524154 0.9882857 0.9546686 0.9604382
A - D 1.1872958 0.9113349 0.9941437 0.8751611 0.9863873
A - E 1.1457396 0.9669100 0.9146375 0.8760513 1.0604971
B - C 0.9024753 1.0356780 1.0611763 0.9773810 0.9478918
B - D 0.9788940 0.8968413 1.0674664 0.8959820 0.9735018
B - E 0.9446320 0.9515325 0.9820962 0.8968933 1.0466435
C - D 1.0846768 0.8659461 1.0059275 0.9167172 1.0270179
C - E 1.0467123 0.9187532 0.9254788 0.9176496 1.1041804
D - E 0.9649993 1.0609821 0.9200254 1.0010171 1.0751326

Now here is what bugs me... These two last methods are extremely ugly. Is there a better/cleaner/faster way? Preferably in dplyr/purrr style syntax? Perhaps without having to go through combn even?

Any hints are appreciated.


I manage to make a much more compact version in dplyr style:

f_un <- unique(f)
  combs <- t(combn(as.character(f_un),2))

  out3 <- data.frame(class = f, MAT) %>%  slice_rows("class") %>% by_slice(map, aggr_FUN) %>% 
          do(combi_FUN( slice(.,match(combs[,1], class))[,-1]  ,slice(.,match(combs[,2], class))[,-1]      )) %>% 
 = pasteC(combs[,1],combs[,2]))

Is there a way to simplify that and speed it up? It is 10x slower than the fastest above.

EDIT2: Based on the suggestions so far the fastest and cleanest is the below function.

fold.change <- function(MAT,f,aggr_FUN=mean,combi_FUN=function(x,y) "/"(x,y)   ){

  # mean using purrr
  x <- data.frame(class = f, MAT) %>%  slice_rows("class") %>% by_slice(map, aggr_FUN)
  rownames <- as.character([,1])[,1])
  x <- as.matrix(x[,-1])
  rownames(x) <- rownames

  # calculate changes between all rows
  i <- combn(unique(f), 2)
  ret <- combi_FUN(x[i[1,],] , x[i[2,],])
  rownames(ret) <- pasteC(i[1,], i[2,])

  # Put original colnames
  colnames(ret) <- colnames(MAT)


Matrix operations and subsetting are fast:

fold <- function(x, f, aggr_FUN = colMeans, combi_FUN = '/'){
  f <- as.factor(f)
  i <- split(1:nrow(x), f)
  x <- sapply(i, function(i){ aggr_FUN(x[i,])})
  x <- t(x)
  j <- combn(levels(f), 2)
  ret <- combi_FUN(x[j[1,],], x[j[2,],])
  rownames(ret) <- paste(j[1,], j[2,], sep = '-')

> system.time(ret <- fold(MAT, f))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.13    0.00    0.12 
> all.equal(ret, out, check.attributes = F)
[1] TRUE
> if(require(matrixStats))  
+   system.time(fold(MAT, f, aggr_FUN = colMedians))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.27    0.00    0.27 
> if(require(matrixStats))
+   system.time(fold(MAT, f, aggr_FUN = colSds))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.17    0.02    0.18 

Unless, I'm really misunderstanding what you're trying to do.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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