Flask: get current blueprint webroot


I am building a Flask app with a blueprint mounted on two different endpoint (one is a legacy alias to the other).

In my blueprint class:

ldp = Blueprint('ldp', __name__)

@ldp.route('/<path:uuid>', methods=['GET'])
@ldp.route('/', defaults={'uuid': None}, methods=['GET'],

def get_resource(uuid):
    # Route code...

In my main server code:

app = Flask(__name__)

app.register_blueprint(ldp, url_prefix='/new_ep')
# Legacy endpoint. @TODO Deprecate.
app.register_blueprint(ldp, url_prefix='/old_ep')

How can I get the actual URL of the request up to the /old_ep or /new_ep part in the route method, e.g. http://localhost:5000/new_ep?

So far I have used

request.host_url + request.path.split('/')[1]

but it looks quite inelegant and possibly error-prone. I would like to use the information from the blueprint setup if possible.

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: I could get to the Blueprint instance from within the request with


and I was hoping that the url_prefix attribute that I set when registering the blueprint was there, but it is None instead. As I read from the documentation for the supposedly related iter_blueprints() method, apparently these blueprints are listed without regard of how many times and with which parameters they were registered. Too bad.

Josh J

Here is a full working example to get the idea based off issue 612

from flask import Flask, Blueprint, url_for, request, g

bp = Blueprint('whatever', __name__)

def bp_url_defaults(endpoint, values):
    url_prefix = getattr(g, 'url_prefix', None)
    if url_prefix is not None:
        values.setdefault('url_prefix', url_prefix)

def bp_url_value_preprocessor(endpoint, values):
    g.url_prefix = values.pop('url_prefix')

def index():
    return 'host prefix is %s%s' % (request.host_url, g.url_prefix)

app = Flask(__name__)

app.register_blueprint(bp, url_prefix='/new_ep', url_defaults={'url_prefix': 'new_ep'})
app.register_blueprint(bp, url_prefix='/old_ep', url_defaults={'url_prefix': 'old_ep'})

Web Output example

Collected from the Internet

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