A simpler way to calculate grouped percentages in a Spark dataframe?

Sebastian Dziadzio

Given the following dataframe:

df = sc.parallelize([
    ('2017-05-21', 'a'),
    ('2017-05-21', 'c'),
    ('2017-05-22', 'b'),
    ('2017-05-22', 'c'),
    ('2017-05-23', 'a'),
    ('2017-05-23', 'b'),
    ('2017-05-23', 'c'),
    ('2017-05-23', 'c'),
]).toDF(['date', 'foo'])

I would like to get the daily percentages of foo == a:

|      date|percentage|
|2017-05-21|       0.5|
|2017-05-22|       0.0|
|2017-05-23|      0.25|

This is what I came up with:

df.withColumn('foo_a', df.foo == 'a')

This works, but I feel like there should be an easier way. Specifically, is there an aggregate function for counting the occurrences of a certain value?


mean / avg combined with when:

from pyspark.sql.functions import avg, col, when

df.groupBy("date").agg(avg(when(col("foo") == "a", 1).otherwise(0)))

or cast:

df.groupBy("date").agg(avg((col("foo") == "a").cast("integer")))

is all you need.

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