Why do some primitives have byte-codes and some do not?

Rich Scriven

I've noticed that when I call args on some of the primitive functions, byte-codes show up as well. But on other primitives, no byte-code appears. For example

# function (x) 
# function (...) 
# <bytecode: 0x44a0f38>

Why is that?

At first I thought it might be related to the ... argument, but the following disproves that theory.

# function (x) 
# function (x) 
# <bytecode: 0x44a0450>

It's confusing to me that a byte-code only shows up in some of these, and not in others. I have always been under the impression that all primitives are special and that they all share the same "attributes" (for lack of a better word, not the actual R attributes).

Richie Cotton

As agstudy noted, this is an oddity related to how args prints things. That is, whether args includes a bytecode line in its output isn't a reliable indicator of whether or not the function was byte compiled. compare:

## function (text, con = stdout(), sep = "\n", useBytes = FALSE) 
##   NULL

## function (text, con = stdout(), sep = "\n", useBytes = FALSE) 
## {
##   if (is.character(con)) {
##     con <- file(con, "w")
##     on.exit(close(con))
##   }
##   .Internal(writeLines(text, con, sep, useBytes))
## }
## <bytecode: 0x000000001bf3aeb0>

We can compare printing of a bytecode line for args vs. standard function printing.

arg_shows_bytecode <- function(fn)
  output <- capture.output(args(fn))
  grepl("^<bytecode", output[length(output)])

printing_shows_bytecode <- function(fn)
  output <- capture.output(print(fn))
  length(output) > 1 && grepl("^<bytecode", output[length(output) - 1])   

base_fns <- Filter(is.function, mget(ls(baseenv()), baseenv()))
yn_args <- vapply(base_fns, arg_shows_bytecode, logical(1))
yn_print <- vapply(base_fns, printing_shows_bytecode, logical(1))

It's worth noting that all functions where args shows bytecode information are primitives.

## $`%*%`
## function (x, y)  .Primitive("%*%")
## $as.call
## function (x)  .Primitive("as.call")
## $attr
## function (x, which, exact = FALSE)  .Primitive("attr")
## $`attr<-`
## function (x, which, value)  .Primitive("attr<-")
## $attributes
## function (obj)  .Primitive("attributes")
## $`attributes<-`
## function (obj, value)  .Primitive("attributes<-")

The converse isn't true: some base functions where args doesn't show bytecode information are primitives; others are not.

yn_prim <- vapply(base_fns, is.primitive, logical(1))
table(yn_args, yn_print, yn_prim)
## , , yn_prim = FALSE
##        yn_print
## yn_args FALSE TRUE
## FALSE       0  988
## TRUE        0    0
## , , yn_prim = TRUE
##        yn_print
## yn_args FALSE TRUE
## FALSE     119    0
## TRUE       63    0

So non-primitive functions in the base package are all compiled, but args doesn't mention it. Primitive functions don't show a bytecode message when printed, and only sometimes show a bytecode message when called with args.

Collected from the Internet

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