BASH for loop exiting after calling function


I'm working on a bash scripts that will essentially shift the entire contents of a directory, where the filenames all start with a number (0001, 0002, etc). I'm iterating in reverse order through those files to shift the last one down first.

I have one function that iterates through the files and calls another function to actually shift them. When I call the second function, it short-circuits the for loop and exits. I can't figure out why.

content_directories=($validation_dir "tutorials")

function shift_contents() {
    local start_index=$1
    local positions=$2

    local files=(${validation_dir}/*)
    for ((i=${#files[@]}-1; i>=0; i--)); do
        # Only gets called once
        echo $i
        local f="${files[$i]}"
        local old_index=$(echo $f | tr -dc '0-9' | sed -e 's/^0*//')
        if [ "$old_index" -lt "$start_index" ]
            # Only start when we're at the start index
        local new_index=$((old_index + positions))
        # When this is called, it exits the loop
        move_exercise $old_index $new_index

Here's the function that does the shifting:

function move_exercise() {
    local start_index=$1
    local end_index=$2
    local start_prefix=$(echo_filename_prefix $start_index)
    local end_prefix=$(echo_filename_prefix $end_index)

    for i in ${content_directories[@]}; do

        for f in $start_file_glob; do
            if [ -e $f ]
                log_error "No content found with index ${start_index}"
                exit 1


        if [ -e $end_file_glob ]
            log_error "Content was already found for end index ${end_index}: ${end_file_glob}"
            exit 1

        # Generate the new file name
        # We get down here once
        echo $start_filename $new_filename


It looks like the second function is causing the first to exit early, but I don't see how that could happen. See what's going on?


When I run with bash -x, it ends with the following output when it should have one more iteration:

+ echo path/to/second-to-last-file new-path
+ return
+ (( i-- ))
+ (( i>=0 ))

Does that imply that it's failing the for loop condition check? If so, how could move_exercise impact that? If I comment out that line, it works as expected.

Charles Duffy

If you want i to be local, you need to declare it as such:

shift_contents() {
  local i
  # ...etc...

move_exercise() {
  local i
  # ...etc...

Otherwise there's only one variable named i shared between both functions. When that variable contains a filename, its numeric value is 0 (unless that filename is also the name of a shell variable with a nonzero numeric value assigned) -- so when you decrement it after assigning a filename, it becomes negative.

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