How to calculate the mean value of the column inside the function


I want to calculate the mean value of the column inside the function. Let's try in this example:

test = data.frame(value = c(231,43,12,342,123,543,56,122,321,222),
              category = c("A","B","A","B","A","A","A","B","B","B"))

  fun <- function(AorB) {
  example <- test %>% 
   filter(category == AorB) %>%
   ## %>%           (here I want to add mean calculation)
   ## mean()        (it is not possible)
   ## sum()/nrow    (it is not possible)

  solve <- fun("A")

The whole problem with 'mean()' and 'sum()/nrow()' is that the 'mean()' and 'nrow()' need to specify the data.frame. All calculations are inside the function so I can't specify the data.frame like this:

Ryan Morton

Per Sin's suggestion in the comments...

I think you need to use:

example <- test %>% filter(category == AorB) %>% summarise( mean = mean(value))

For dplyr, you need to call (and name) those summary functions within the summarise() function.

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