Access the current HttpContext in ASP.NET Core


I need to access current HttpContext in a static method or a utility service.

With classic ASP.NET MVC and System.Web, I would just use HttpContext.Current to access the context statically. But how do I do this in ASP.NET Core?

Kévin Chalet

HttpContext.Current doesn't exist anymore in ASP.NET Core but there's a new IHttpContextAccessor that you can inject in your dependencies and use to retrieve the current HttpContext:

public class MyComponent : IMyComponent
    private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;

    public MyComponent(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
        _contextAccessor = contextAccessor;

    public string GetDataFromSession()
        return _contextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.GetString(*KEY*);

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From Java Core 5.0 does not appear to have httpContext.Session.GetString as a method when it use to

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