How do I use to send a greeting message in the System Messages Channel


I'm coding a simple discord bot and I want to make it so that the bot sends a greeting message when it joins the server

async def on_guild_join(guild):
    general = find(lambda x: == 'general',  guild.text_channels)
    if general and general.permissions_for(
        await general.send('Thanks for inviting me.'.format(

However, this code only sends the message in general and if the general channel isn't named "general", it won't send. So now I want it to send the message in the System Messages Channel. How would I do this?


You should use Guild.system_channel but in some cases it can be None as if the server has removed system channels

Below is the revised code:

async def on_guild_join(guild):
    if guild.system_channel: # If it is not None
        await guild.system_channel.send(f'Thanks for inviting me to {}')

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