How do I import an SQL file using the command line in MySQL?


I have a .sql file with an export from phpMyAdmin. I want to import it into a different server using the command line.

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 installation. I placed the .sql file on the C drive, and I tried this command

database_name < file.sql

It is not working. I get syntax errors.

  • How can I import this file without a problem?
  • Do I need to create a database first?


mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql

Check MySQL Options.

Note-1: It is better to use the full path of the SQL file file.sql.

Note-2: Use -R and --triggers to keep the routines and triggers of original database. They are not copied by default.

Note-3 You may have to create the (empty) database from mysql if it doesn't exist already and the exported SQL don't contain CREATE DATABASE (exported with --no-create-db or -n option), before you can import it.

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