I need help creating constructors and returning boolean and strings


I need help fixing my code with the basic concepts listed above. To save from clutter, I took a screen shot of the directions here: https://imgur.com/SdiotUi

However, when I run my code it isn't working. I know there are a lot of errors but I'm having trouble fixing them even though I've spent the past few hours googling the correct way to do this.

When I create the first constructors I am not sure if I am assigning the name and legs correctly, I am having trouble returning "true", I get an error calling the parent class taking one argument, and I don't think I am overriding the abstract class correctly.

My code:

public class Animal1 {

    private String animalName;
    public int numberOfLegs;
    public Animal1(String name){
        name = animalName;
        name = "John";
    public Animal1(String name, int legs){
        name = animalName;
        legs = numberOfLegs;
        name = "Jack";
        legs = 4;

    public String getName(){
        return animalName;

    public int getLegs(){
        return numberOfLegs;

    public void isAMammal(){ 
        return true;

    public void isCarnivorous(){
        return true;

    public abstract class getHello{


public class Cat1 extends Animal1{

    public Cat1(String name){

    public abstract class getHello{   
        return "Meow";

public class Dog1 extends Animal1{

    public Dog1(String name){

    public abstract class getHello{
        return "Woof";
Alex Lou
public abstract class Animal1 { // If you want to have an abstract method, declare the class as abstract

    private final String animalName;
    private final int numberOfLegs; // better of using private and make it final since it's not going to change.

    public Animal1(final String name, final int legs){ //better making the input parameters final since they are not supposed to be changed
        //name = animalName; 
        //legs = numberOfLegs;//it assigned the field to an input parameter. that will take no effect on the object created.
        animalName = name;
        numberOfLegs = legs;

    public String getName(){
        return animalName;

    public int getLegs(){
        return numberOfLegs;

    public boolean isAnimal(){ //boolean function needs a return type too!!
        return true;

    public boolean isCarnivorous(){
        return true;

    public abstract String getHello(); // an abstract method has same requirement as a normal method besides the abstract modifier. it will need a return type. And it ends with a semicolon


public class Cat1 extends Animal1{

    public Cat1(final String name){
        super(name, 4); //use super to call parent constructor

    public String getHello(){   
        return "Meow";

public class Dog1 extends Animal1{

    public Dog1(final String name){
        super(name, 4);

    public String getHello(){
        return "Woof";

Collected from the Internet

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