Pass total value from observable variable in ngx-paypal


I am using ngx-paypal to introduce a paypal pay button in a page. I have the cart object represented like this:

  cart$: Observable<Cart>;

as a local variable. What is the recommended way to to pass the total from cart$ (.total) to the standard config from ngx-paypal:

private initConfig(): void {
    this.payPalConfig = {
      currency: 'EUR',
      clientId: 'AXVj0j1Qk2K6OD2ai7TezGja3QxzK-lAFlTrVT5EiWHL-uFbu3Ce2d2Tg9Jo-13YpiJIzGgNIRkz9lKs',
      createOrderOnClient: (data) => <ICreateOrderRequest> {
        intent: 'CAPTURE',
        purchase_units: [
            amount: {
              currency_code: 'EUR',
              value: this.cart$.totalPriceWithTax.value,
              breakdown: {
                item_total: {
                  currency_code: 'EUR',
                  value: '9.99'
            items: [
                name: 'Enterprise Subscription',
                quantity: '1',
                category: 'DIGITAL_GOODS',
                unit_amount: {
                  currency_code: 'EUR'

Is it ok if I subscribe to cart$ in initConfig and initialize this.payPalConfig inside the subscription?


If you already have cart$ as an observable and the value of payPalConfig depends on emissions from cart$, it would probably be simplest to define the config as an observable that derives from cart$, something like this:

  public paypalConfig$ = this.cart$.pipe(
    map(cart => this.buildPaypalConfig(cart.items))

You would create a buildPaypalConfig method that builds up the config object, from the cart$ emission. Then, in the template, you can pass paypalConfig$ | async to the ngx-paypal component, like this:

<ngx-paypal [config]="paypalConfig$ | async"></ngx-paypal>

This ensures the ngx-paypal component always has a config that reflects the most up-to-date changes of the cart$.

Here's a StackBlitz sample.

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