How can I check for a value in a conditional array?


I have this piece of code that I would like to use

const traits = [{title:"hello", effect:"world"},{title:"foo", effect:"bar"}];
const [ traitsArray, settraitsArray ] = useState([]);

to be rendered as Checkbox element

   return <FormControlLabel
           control={<Checkbox data-value={items.title} checked={false} onChange={ e => {
                 settraitsArray(prevState => prevState.filter(items => items !=='data-value')))
                 settraitsArray(prevState => prevState.concat(items))
} }/>}/>})}

On checked item, I would like to check if any of the similar value exist in traitsArray, if true, delete the element from the array, and if false, add the element to the array.

But every single time I checked the item, it just keep on concatenating the array. Did I miss something, or did I code it the wrong way?


In your onChange function you are checking to see if your array includes a string but then if it doesn't you're adding an object. Your function should look like this:

(e) => {
  if(traitsArray.some(({title}) => title === items.title)){
   settraitsArray(prevState => prevState.filter(item => item.title !== items.title))
  } else {
    settraitsArray(prevState => prevState.concat(items))


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