How can i send a Pagination-embed with a music list discord.js


I want send in a Pagination-embed with a music list because whan an embed is lower at 1024 letters it doesn't send. I want send in many pages (4musics max per pages)

Sorry for my english, i'm french...

  let q = ``;
  for(var i = 1; i < _serverQueue.songs.length; i++) {
      q += `\n${i + 1}. **${_serverQueue.songs[i].title}**`;
  let resp = [
      {name: `Now Playing`, value: _serverQueue.songs[0].title},
      {name: `Queue`, value: q},

  //Putting it all together
  const FieldsEmbed = new Pagination.FieldsEmbed()
  .setArray({word: `Queue`})
  .formatField('Playlist :', el => el.word)
    .setTitle('Playlist :')
PLASMA chicken

As per the Documentation of

I explained the steps with Comments

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const Pagination = require('discord-paginationembed');

const songText = ["This is a long SongText", "That is Split up Over", "Multiple Sites", "End of Song"];
// The Splitting can happen via Discord.Js Util Class, it has a Splitter

const embeds = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
  embeds.push(new Discord.MessageEmbed().setFooter('Page ' + i).setDescription(songText[i - 1]));
 // Create Embeds here with the Content and push them into the Array

const myImage =;
new Pagination.Embeds()
   // Methods below are for customizing all embeds
  .setTitle('Test Title')
  .setDescription('Test Description')

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