creating a list of class objects


I am trying to create a list of python class objects.

Basically I am expecting for list which should be as follows:

[<Report {u'invoice_id': u'demo-1-2016-dummy', u'tenant_id': u'27724b57e3b744f89cbf1336da062b43'}>, <Report {u'invoice_id': u'demo-2-2016', u'tenant_id': u'27724b57e3b744f89cbf1336da062b43'}>, <Report {u'invoice_id': u'admin-2-2016', u'tenant_id': u'6cd02afa3f0f403489153c41e98d07bc'}>]

I have tried the following code for the same.

from cloudkittyclient.common import base
import json

class ReportResult(base.Resource):

    key = 'report'

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Report %s>" % self._info

class ReportManager(base.CrudManager):

    base_url = '/v1/report'
    resource_class = ReportResult
    key = "report"
    collection_key = "reports"

    # List the invoices, can accept all-tenants arg
    def list_invoice(self, all_tenants=None):
        url = self.base_url + "/list_invoice"
        filters = list()
        if all_tenants:
            filters.append("all_tenants=%s" % all_tenants)
        if filters:
            url += "?%s" % ('&'.join(filters))
        return self.client.get(url).json()

So here my requirement is that "return self.client.get(url).json()" should return the above mentioned List which consists of class objects.

But it is returning the results as follows:

[{u'invoice_id': u'demo-1-2016-dummy', u'tenant_id': u'27724b57e3b744f89cbf1336da062b43'}, {u'invoice_id': u'demo-2-2016', u'tenant_id': u'27724b57e3b744f89cbf1336da062b43'}, {u'invoice_id': u'admin-2-2016', u'tenant_id': u'6cd02afa3f0f403489153c41e98d07bc'}]

I know the fact that I am missing something right here.

As I am novice user in python I am unable to find that where I am going wrong.

Can anyone be able to assist me with getting the result I expected.

Ilja Everilä


return [self.resource_class(self, j, loaded=True)
        for j in self.client.get(url).json() if j]

You should not have to handle URL creation yourself. The CrudManager should take care of that for you, if you use the methods offered.



where my_report_id is a variable containing an id, if you're trying to fetch a single report, instead of


Looking into cloudkittyclient.openstack.common.apiclient.base.BaseManager._get that self.client.get(url).json() is what it does internally, before it then deserializes the JSON to self.resource_class instance. You probably should not be doing that directly.

cloudkittyclient.common.base.CrudManager uses the _get internally and offers an override of get that will handle base_url catenation etc for you.

Also it seems you should be using cloudkittyclient.common.base.CrudManager.findAll or cloudkittyclient.common.base.CrudManager.list, since you have a method like list_invoice.




where all_tenants is a variable with what ever you would pass to your custom list_invoice method.

Finally, if findAll or CrudManager.list is really unsuitable to your needs, which seems to be the case since your collection url differs from the one in the class, you have to deserialize the results of self.client.get(url).json() yourself. So instead of returning that, do

return [self.resource_class(self, j, loaded=True)
        for j in self.client.get(url).json() if j]

which creates a list of instances of self.resource_class class (ReportResult here) from python dictionaries that have been deserialized from a response of JSON data.

Consider overloading the list method of CrudManager, as it seems to be the way to do such a thing.

Collected from the Internet

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