Discord Custom Activity Attribute Error, emoji object doesn't have attribute 'get'


My code:

emoji = client.get_emoji(id=773100346749878293)
activity = discord.CustomActivity(name="DMs", type=discord.ActivityType.watching, emoji=emoji.)
await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=activity)

So when I run it, an error throw out:

animated=data.get('animated', False),
AttributeError: 'Emoji' object has no attribute 'get'

Entire Function:

async def change_presence():
    await client.wait_until_ready()
    emoji = client.get_emoji(773100346749878293)
    activity = discord.CustomActivity(name="DMs", type=discord.ActivityType.watching, emoji=emoji)
    await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=activity)

Any ways to fix this or this is an error from the Library?


Well, this seems to be because discord.py is not expecting an emoji object in the initialization of a CustomActivity, instead it is expecting you to pass a dictionary containing that emoji. You will need to pass a dictionary to not get that error.

Source code

On another topic, a bot is not allowed to have a CustomActivity, this is something internally managed by Discord so we cannot do anything about it. Only users can set custom activities, so if your code belongs to a bot it will not work despite solving the error.

Reference issue

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