NSubstitute - setting a property of the calling object

Rich Bryant

I have a in issue where I would like to swap out Moq for NSubstitute entirely. In most cases, this is extremely straightforward, however I have run across a fairly specialized issue.

Here's the Moq code.

_registrationCommandHandler.Setup(c => c.Execute
(It.Is<CheckUniqueUserCommand>(r => r.Request.UserName == "fred"))).
                Callback((CheckUniqueUserCommand c) =>
                    c.Response = new CheckUserNameIsUniqueResponse()
                        IsUnique = true,
                        Success = true
                    c.Success = true;

The closest I seem to be able to get with NSubstitute is

 _registrationCommandHandler.When(c => c.Execute    
            ((CheckUniqueUserCommand c) =>
              c.Response = new __Internal.CheckUserNameIsUniqueResponse()
                  IsUnique = true,
                  Success = true
            c.Success = true;

which won't even compile. This leaves me a bit stuck. Does anyone have any suggestions?

David Tchepak

I'm guessing a bit here, but try:

    .When(c => c.Execute(Arg.Is<CheckUniqueUserCommand>(r => r.Request.UserName == "fred")))
    .Do(call => {
          var c = call.Arg<CheckUniqueUserCommand>();
          c.Response = new __Internal.CheckUserNameIsUniqueResponse()
              IsUnique = true,
              Success = true
          c.Success = true;

NSubstitute does not do the same argument passing as Moq does for callbacks. Instead it passes a parameter with information about the call, and you can access the arguments using call.Arg<T> or call[i].

In addition to changing the .Do block, I also switched from using Arg.Any(..) to Arg.Is(..) to closer match the Moq sample.

Hope this helps.

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