Selecting distincts rows from a table with several similar rows


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From Dev

Selecting specific rows from table

From Java

Selecting rows from sqlite table with three criterions

From Dev

Selecting changed rows from an audit table

From Dev

Selecting rows from a table depending on a column

From Dev

Selecting only maxdate rows from particular table

From Dev

Selecting rows that are included in a set from another table

From Dev

How to delete some similar rows from a table?

From Dev

Selecting rows from a table depending on keywords in another table

From Dev

selecting unique rows from one table according to another table and then sorting it

From Dev

Selecting data from multiple rows from a temporary table create by SELECT

From Dev

Selecting rows in the table by specific mark

From Dev

Selecting rows in the table by specific mark

From Dev

Selecting rows using multiple LIKE conditions from a table field

From Dev

Selecting the top 5 rows from a joined table, into the result of a larger query?

From Dev

Selecting all rows from Informix table containing some null columns

From Dev

Selecting only rows with certain number from data table

From Dev

Selecting specific rows based on data from other table

From Dev

Selecting rows absent from one table against two other tables?

From Dev

Selecting multiple rows from a table and applying a function on a button click

From Dev

Selecting the top 5 rows from a joined table, into the result of a larger query?

From Dev

Best way of selecting 8k+ rows from a table

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MYSQL:: Selecting rows from table without the most recent ones

From Dev

Selecting two rows from another table using one row

From Dev

Selecting rows from data table with filter option:RShiny

From Dev

Selecting next N rows from table with left join

From Dev

Selecting rows from Parent Table only if multiple rows in Child Table match

From Dev

Inserting all rows one by one into a empty table by selecting the rows from another table in SQL Server

From Dev

MySQL Selecting from multiple rows

From Dev

Selecting only rows from master table where subtable rows fulfill a condition

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    Selecting specific rows from table

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    Selecting rows from sqlite table with three criterions

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    Selecting changed rows from an audit table

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    Selecting rows from a table depending on a column

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    Selecting only maxdate rows from particular table

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    Selecting rows that are included in a set from another table

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    How to delete some similar rows from a table?

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    Selecting rows from a table depending on keywords in another table

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    selecting unique rows from one table according to another table and then sorting it

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    Selecting rows in the table by specific mark

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    Selecting rows in the table by specific mark

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    Selecting rows using multiple LIKE conditions from a table field

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    Selecting the top 5 rows from a joined table, into the result of a larger query?

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    Selecting all rows from Informix table containing some null columns

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    Selecting only rows with certain number from data table

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    Selecting specific rows based on data from other table

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    Selecting rows absent from one table against two other tables?

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    Selecting multiple rows from a table and applying a function on a button click

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    MYSQL:: Selecting rows from table without the most recent ones

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    Selecting rows from data table with filter option:RShiny

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    Selecting next N rows from table with left join

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    Selecting rows from Parent Table only if multiple rows in Child Table match

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    Inserting all rows one by one into a empty table by selecting the rows from another table in SQL Server

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    MySQL Selecting from multiple rows

  29. 29

    Selecting only rows from master table where subtable rows fulfill a condition

