





public class SpeedManagerService extends Service implements IBaseGpsListener {

    private static final String TAG = "SpeedCheckerService";
    public boolean vehicleStopped = false;
    public boolean timer_started = true;

    float nCurrentSpeed = 0;

    CountDownTimer timer = new CountDownTimer( 180000, 1000 ) {

        // If speed increases again, cancel timer.
        public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
            Log.i( "Current Ride", "Timer countdown: " + millisUntilFinished / 1000 +
                    " seconds." );
            if (vehicleStopped) {
                // Vehicle should have stopped, but it has started moving again
                if (nCurrentSpeed > 0) {
                    timer_started = false;
            } else if (nCurrentSpeed == 0) {
                // If vehicle has just slowed down,
                // once speed drops to zero we have stopped
                vehicleStopped = true;

        public void onFinish() {
            Intent resultIntent = new Intent( SpeedManagerService.this, CurrentRide.class );
            NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat
                    .Builder( SpeedManagerService.this );
            builder.setContentText( "Click to save Current Ride info" );
            builder.setSmallIcon( R.mipmap.ic_launcher );
            builder.setContentTitle( "Did you just pay for a Ride?" );
            builder.setContentIntent( PendingIntent.getActivity( SpeedManagerService.this, 0,
                    resultIntent, 0 ) );
            NotificationManagerCompat.from( SpeedManagerService.this ).notify( 0,
                    builder.build() );

    public void onCreate() {
        Log.i( TAG, "in onCreate()" );

        LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) this.
                getSystemService( Context.LOCATION_SERVICE );
        if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission( this, android.Manifest.permission
                .ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION )
                != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission( this,
                android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION ) != PackageManager
                .PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

        locationManager.requestLocationUpdates( LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, this );
        SpeedManagerService.this.updateSpeed( null );

    // On start, run speed service, and return sticky so if error, service will restart
    // on its own
    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        super.onStartCommand( intent, flags, startId );
        Log.i( TAG, "Service onStartCommand" );
                if (nCurrentSpeed == 0) {
            timer_started = false;
        updateSpeed( null );
        return Service.START_STICKY;

    public void updateSpeed(SpeedLocation location) {
        Log.i( "Current Ride ", "User is in a Vehicle. Speed is: " +
                Math.round( nCurrentSpeed ) + " mph. " );

        // If a location exists, get speed
        if (location != null) {
            nCurrentSpeed = location.getSpeed();

        // In meters/second, if speed goes above 8 mph, then it will just log the
        // speed as miles/hour.
        if (nCurrentSpeed >= 8) {

        // However, if speed falls below 5 mph, then countdown timer
        // of 3 minutes will begin.
        if (nCurrentSpeed <= 5 && !timer_started) {
            // Flag to indicate if vehicle has come to a complete stop
            vehicleStopped = (nCurrentSpeed == 0);
            // Indicate the timer is running
            timer_started = true;

    public void onDestroy() {

        Log.i( TAG, "Timer cancelled" );


    // Binder returns null because it's not used
    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return null;

    // If location changes, update location and speed.
    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
        if (location != null) {
            SpeedLocation myLocation = new SpeedLocation( location, false );
            this.updateSpeed( myLocation );

    // If provider is disabled, timer won't run either
    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {

    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {

    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {

    public void onGpsStatusChanged(int event) {


07-05 17:42:17.742 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride:: User is in a Vehicle. Speed is: 3 mph. 
07-05 17:42:17.752 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.752 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.762 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.
07-05 17:42:17.772 17023-17023/ I/Current Ride: Timer countdown: 179 seconds.




    if (nCurrentSpeed <= 5 && !timerStarted) {
        // Flag to indicate if vehicle has come to a complete stop
        vehicleStopped = (nCurrentSpeed == 0);
        // Indicate the timer is running
        timerStarted = true;


    public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
        Log.i( "Current Ride", "Timer countdown: " + millisUntilFinished / 1000 +
                " seconds." );
        if (vehicleStopped)
            // Vehicle should have stopped, but it has started moving again
            if (nCurrentSpeed > 0)
                timerStarted = false;
        else if (nCurrentSpeed == 0)
            // If vehicle has just slowed down,
            // once speed drops to zero we have stopped
            vehicleStopped = true;



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