Web API 2: how searching


In ASP Web API 2 i'd like to implement a search feature in my REST URI.

For example if i have the resource Customers


i'd like for example implement:


How can i implement the searching in the Web API 2 controller? (I don't want use the OData protocol because i have DTO object: my controller must interface with DTO object and not directly with model objects).

  1. Define a search options class with all the properties that you want your client to search on. Lets call it CustomerSearchOptions for now:

    public class CustomerSearchOptions
        public bool IsActive { get; set; }
        public string AnotherProperty {get; set;}
  2. Define a Get method on your api controller that gets a parameter of type CustomerSearchOptions, and make the parameter decorated by [FromUri] attribute.

  3. The implementation of the get method will search your repository using the search options and return the matching data (MyCustomerDto):

        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> SearchAsync([FromUri] CustomerSearchOptions searchOptions)
            if (searchOptions == null)
                return BadRequest("Invalid search options");
            var searchResult = await myRepo.SearchAsync(searchOptions);
            return Ok(searchResult);
    1. The client of your web api needs to call your api passing the search options in the query string NOT in the message body.


That's all.

Hope that helps.


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