How do I build a list with a dependently-typed length?

Benjamin Hodgson

Dipping my toe into the waters of dependent types, I had a crack at the canonical "list with statically-typed length" example.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures #-}

-- a kind declaration
data Nat = Z | S Nat

data SafeList :: (Nat -> * -> *) where
    Nil :: SafeList Z a
    Cons :: a -> SafeList n a -> SafeList (S n) a

-- the type signature ensures that the input list has at least one element
safeHead :: SafeList (S n) a -> a
safeHead (Cons x xs) = x

This seems to work:

ghci> :t Cons 5 (Cons 3 Nil)
Cons 5 (Cons 3 Nil) :: Num a => SafeList ('S ('S 'Z)) a

ghci> safeHead (Cons 'x' (Cons 'c' Nil))

ghci> safeHead Nil
Couldn't match type 'Z with 'S n0
Expected type: SafeList ('S n0) a0
  Actual type: SafeList 'Z a0
In the first argument of `safeHead', namely `Nil'
In the expression: safeHead Nil
In an equation for `it': it = safeHead Nil

However, in order for this data-type to be actually useful, I should be able to build it from run-time data for which you don't know the length at compile time. My naïve attempt:

fromList :: [a] -> SafeList n a
fromList = foldr Cons Nil

This fails to compile, with the type error:

Couldn't match type 'Z with 'S n
Expected type: a -> SafeList n a -> SafeList n a
  Actual type: a -> SafeList n a -> SafeList ('S n) a
In the first argument of `foldr', namely `Cons'
In the expression: foldr Cons Nil
In an equation for `fromList': fromList = foldr Cons Nil

I understand why this is happening: the return type of Cons is different for each iteration of the fold - that's the whole point! But I can't see a way around it, probably because I've not read deeply enough into the subject. (I can't imagine all this effort is being put into a type system that is impossible to use in practice!)

So: How can I build this sort of dependently-typed data from 'normal' simply-typed data?

Following @luqui's advice I was able to make fromList compile:

data ASafeList a where
    ASafeList :: SafeList n a -> ASafeList a

fromList :: [a] -> ASafeList a
fromList = foldr f (ASafeList Nil)
    where f x (ASafeList xs) = ASafeList (Cons x xs)

Here's my attempt to unpack the ASafeList and use it:

getSafeHead :: [a] -> a
getSafeHead xs = case fromList xs of ASafeList ys -> safeHead ys

This causes another type error:

Couldn't match type `n' with 'S n0
  `n' is a rigid type variable bound by
      a pattern with constructor
        ASafeList :: forall a (n :: Nat). SafeList n a -> ASafeList a,
      in a case alternative
      at SafeList.hs:33:22
Expected type: SafeList ('S n0) a
  Actual type: SafeList n a
In the first argument of `safeHead', namely `ys'
In the expression: safeHead ys
In a case alternative: ASafeList ys -> safeHead ys

Again, intuitively it makes sense that this would fail to compile. I can call fromList with an empty list, so the compiler has no guarantee that I'll be able to call safeHead on the resulting SafeList. This lack of knowledge is roughly what the existential ASafeList captures.

Can this problem be solved? I feel like I might have walked down a logical dead-end.


Never throw anything away.

If you're going to take the trouble to crank along a list to make a length-indexed list (known in the literature as a "vector"), you may as well remember its length.

So, we have

data Nat = Z | S Nat

data Vec :: Nat -> * -> * where -- old habits die hard
  VNil :: Vec Z a
  VCons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a

but we can also give a run time representation to static lengths. Richard Eisenberg's "Singletons" package will do this for you, but the basic idea is to give a type of run time representations for static numbers.

data Natty :: Nat -> * where
  Zy :: Natty Z
  Sy :: Natty n -> Natty (S n)

Crucially, if we have a value of type Natty n, then we can interrogate that value to find out what n is.

Hasochists know that run time representability is often so boring that even a machine can manage it, so we hide it inside a type class

class NATTY (n :: Nat) where
  natty :: Natty n

instance NATTY Z where
  natty = Zy

instance NATTY n => NATTY (S n) where
  natty = Sy natty

Now we can give a slightly more informative existential treatment of the length you get from your lists.

data LenList :: * -> * where
  LenList :: NATTY n => Vec n a -> LenList a

lenList :: [a] -> LenList a
lenList []        = LenList VNil
lenList (x : xs)  = case lenList xs of LenList ys -> LenList (VCons x ys)

You get the same code as the length-destroying version, but you can grab a run time representation of the length anytime you like, and you don't need to crawl along the vector to get it.

Of course, if you want the length to be a Nat, it's still a pain that you instead have a Natty n for some n.

It's a mistake to clutter one's pockets.

Edit I thought I'd add a little, to address the "safe head" usage issue.

First, let me add an unpacker for LenList which gives you the number in your hand.

unLenList :: LenList a -> (forall n. Natty n -> Vec n a -> t) -> t
unLenList (LenList xs) k = k natty xs

And now suppose I define

vhead :: Vec (S n) a -> a
vhead (VCons a _) = a

enforcing the safety property. If I have a run time representation of the length of a vector, I can look at it to see if vhead applies.

headOrBust :: LenList a -> Maybe a
headOrBust lla = unLenList lla $ \ n xs -> case n of
  Zy    -> Nothing
  Sy _  -> Just (vhead xs)

So you look at one thing, and in doing so, learn about another.


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