Why xor operation on constants (character) is working differently when used variables in its place


Have a look at the following code :

Case 1 :

char a = 'x' ^ 'y';

It is working fine. But when I use variable instead of constants as here :

Case 2:

char x = 'x';
char y = 'y';
char a = x ^ y; // Error!

In java language : case 1 is working and value of a comes out to be 1 but case 2 is not working.

In C and C++ : both cases are working, and the value of a comes out to be 1

In C# : both the cases are not working.

In javascript : both cases are working, which is not a HLL, and value of a comes out to be 0.

I understand that java is converting variables to integer to do binary operation, but why it is working in case 1 and not in case 2, Why same is not working in C# And why the values are different in the case of javascript.

Updated When I made the variables final than it is working in java, but still not in C#

final char x = 'x';
final char y = 'y';
char a = x ^ y;

But still I cannot understand why constants are working but when using variable they are not. And why same is not happening with other high level programming language.
I think it is a basic operation and should be working in all programming languages with same behaviour.

Note To test all above cases in javascript I am replacing 'char' with 'var' in all cases and they are working.


Answering for Java only.

The expression 'x' ^ 'y' is a constant expression; x ^ y is not, unless both variables are declared final. Furthermore, the result is an int; ^ is an integral bitwise operator, meaning that both operands have to be promoted to an integral type before being evaluated. char promotes to int.

So you have this int expression, and you try to narrow it to a char. In the general case, this could lead to a loss of precision (ints are 4 bytes, chars are 2), so the compiler doesn't let you do that without you explicitly stating it's what you want to do (via a cast to char). However, you can implicitly narrow constant expressions, if their value would fit into the new type. From JLS 5.2:

  • A narrowing primitive conversion may be used if the type of the variable is byte, short, or char, and the value of the constant expression is representable in the type of the variable.

(Emphasis added)

Intuitively, this makes total sense: the error is there to tell you that you may lose precision, and so it wants you to confirm that you know that; in a sense, it's a loud warning. But if the compiler can know absolutely that this won't happen, as it can for a constant expression, then it makes things a bit easier for you and "hides" that warning.


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