Redis pipelining


I would like to take advantage of client pipelining when populating database. How can I achieve this using perl Redis client?

use Redis;

my $redis = Redis->new or die "No redis server";

for my $i (1 .. 20000) {

  $redis->set("key.$i" => "foo" x500);

The documentation says you need to add a coderef to as the third argument to set.

To use pipelining, add a coderef argument as the last argument to a command method call

That would turn your example into:

for my $i (1 .. 20000) {
  $redis->set("key.$i" => "foo" x500, sub {});

Instead of the empty sub, you can actually do stuff to the reply:

The coderef you supply to a pipelined command method is invoked once the response is available. It takes two arguments, $reply and $error. If $error is defined, it contains the text of an error reply sent by the Redis server. Otherwise, $reply is the non-error reply. For almost all commands, that means it's undef, or a defined but non-reference scalar, or an array ref of any of those; but see "keys", "info", and "exec".

It also says in the transaction handling part of the doc:

Warning: the behaviour of these commands when combined with pipelining is still under discussion, and you should NOT use them at the same time just now.


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