How to handle socketIO when app is not running


I've been doing alot of testing with socketIO and have got stuck with handling situations where my node app is simply offline. The documentation provides no real insight into this issue.

So if i run my website and node app is simply not running, console.log gives:

GET http://[url]:[port]/

Uncaught ReferenceError: io is not defined

This is hardly surprising, how ever what i don't understand is how to handle these errors and simply have the script try to attempt a reconnect until it finally does reconnect (if ever).

My script looks like this:

<script src="http://[url]:[port]/"></script>
  windows.onload = function()
        socketio = io.connect("http://[url]:[port]");

        socketio.on('connecting', function() {
                 console.log('trying to connect');

        socketio.on('connect', function() {

Is there a way to handle this kind of problem ?


When the server is offline, your initial <script> tag to load the client library fails, so you never get the io object in the first place.

To retry, you can add a new <script> tag to load the same URL again and see if it succeeds.

Better yet, copy the client library to the server hosting your HTML, so that the script will always load. You can then simply handle connection errors from io.connect().


如有侵权,请联系[email protected] 删除。






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