如何修复与使用 C# 中的 V4 SDK 开发的聊天机器人窗口中未显示的 DirectLineChannel 提示选择选项相关的问题?


我正在尝试使用 C# 和 BOT SDK V4 创建一个具有多个瀑布对话类的聊天机器人。我已经创建了一个 HTML 页面并将 DirectLine 通道 Secret Key Iframe 数据放入其中并成功发布到 Azure 并在浏览器中打开它。浏览器打开时会显示一条内置的欢迎消息,例如:Hi bot name type Hi to continue。

如果我有通过提示选项完成的选择选项显示为按钮,但这些选项不是通过直线通道显示,但在网络聊天通道中效果很好?附加图片显示了问题: “WebChatbotHtml_optionbtndisplayed.jpg”




Now, in the main dialog class i have implemented the Login mechanism using the Oauth Prompt in th html page that was created above i see the login link getting displayed using which i have successfully logged in this will navigate to another waterfall dialog having prompt options with some custom choice buttons, whee if i click on a choice button the next step will be executed and respective action will be triggered. The issue i have is normally the options are displayed for me to access but in the html that i created the all other things like login link and navigation is happening but the choice buttons are not displayed its like they are getting hidden.

or Sometimes the Choice Option buttons are not displayed at all in the Direct Channel Web chat bot

The query is how to fix the issue?

To make my query to be understood in a better way please find below set of things: 1. WaterfalldiaglogClass1: STEP 1: Has login option/link displayed through Oauth Prompt. STEP 2: Gets token validates it and displays login successful message and then navigates to second waterfalldialogClass 2. WaterFallddialogClass2: STEP 1: Custom choices are displayed through Prompt options lets say 1,2,3,4 STEP 2: Capture the choice getting clicked and perform respective action

  1. I created a HTML page where the I frame code i copied with secret code of Direct Line Channel

  2. Published it to azure successfully with no errors or warnings

  3. Opened the html page in a browser the chat bot opens successfully with a welcome default message like: HI i am bot,enter Hi to continue

  4. User sends hi and logins using the login link available displayed in dialog class 1 and login successful message is displayed

  5. Navigated successfully to second dialog successfully as i can see the prompt message given as part of prompt option and custom choices in the code

Current Issue: The option buttons 1,2,3,4 are not getting displayed it is getting hidden somehow

Need help in resolving the issue Please provide detailed step by step guide in resolving it as i am new to BOT and coding .

language: C# Bot Framework: V4

I have tried increasing height width and other % values in the HTML page and republished it but not successful. The same thing works in web chat channel i.e. if i keep secret code inside the HTML page of webchat channel without any issues.

Issue Image attached for reference.

预期结果:应显示数据或选择,因为它在网络聊天频道中有效 实际结果:不工作 选择选项不可见以供选择


目前有两个版本的嵌入式网络聊天:双子座和天蝎座。嵌入式网络聊天目前正在将所有客户端从天蝎座慢慢过渡到双子座。看来您的嵌入式网络聊天仍在使用 Scorpio,遗憾的是它不支持 OAuth 提示。在不久的将来,您将能够手动请求您的客户切换到 Gemini。

同时,您可以使用 CDN 将 Web Chat v4 添加到您的站点,或者等待您的客户端迁移到 Gemini。




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