

我正在研究通过哈希表在Java中实现的哈希表。问题在于get()方法。索引值由确定key.hashCode() % table.length假设表的大小为10和key.hashCode()为124,则找到的索引为4在从每个循环table[index]开始时table[4],AFAIK索引正在逐一递增4,5,6,7... so on但是指数0,1,2,3呢?他们被检查了吗?(我认为不是)是否有可能在其中一个索引上出现密钥?(我想是的)。另一个问题是有null检查,但最初没有nullkey分配任何任务value那么如何进行检查呢?null指定为尽快private LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>[] table宣布?

// Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java, Koffman, Wolfgang

package KW.CH07;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringJoiner;

 * Hash table implementation using chaining.
 * @param <K> The key type
 * @param <V> The value type
 * @author Koffman and Wolfgang
public class HashtableChain<K, V> 
// Insert solution to programming project 7, chapter -1 here
    implements KWHashMap<K, V> {

    /** The table */
    private LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>[] table;
    /** The number of keys */
    private int numKeys;
    /** The capacity */
    private static final int CAPACITY = 101;
    /** The maximum load factor */
    private static final double LOAD_THRESHOLD = 3.0;

    // Note this is equivalent to java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
    /** Contains key-value pairs for a hash table. 
        @param <K> the key type
        @param <V> the value type
    public static class Entry<K, V> 
// Insert solution to programming project 6, chapter -1 here

        /** The key */
        private final K key;
        /** The value */
        private V value;

         * Creates a new key-value pair.
         * @param key The key
         * @param value The value
        public Entry(K key, V value) {
            this.key = key;
            this.value = value;

         * Retrieves the key.
         * @return The key
        public K getKey() {
            return key;

         * Retrieves the value.
         * @return The value
        public V getValue() {
            return value;

         * Sets the value.
         * @param val The new value
         * @return The old value
        public V setValue(V val) {
            V oldVal = value;
            value = val;
            return oldVal;

// Insert solution to programming exercise 3, section 4, chapter 7 here

    // Constructor
    public HashtableChain() {
        table = new LinkedList[CAPACITY];

    // Constructor for test purposes
    HashtableChain(int capacity) {
        table = new LinkedList[capacity];

     * Method get for class HashtableChain.
     * @param key The key being sought
     * @return The value associated with this key if found;
     *         otherwise, null
    public V get(Object key) {
        int index = key.hashCode() % table.length;
        if (index < 0) {
            index += table.length;
        if (table[index] == null) {
            return null; // key is not in the table.
        // Search the list at table[index] to find the key.
        for (Entry<K, V> nextItem : table[index]) {
            if (nextItem.getKey().equals(key)) {
                return nextItem.getValue();

        // assert: key is not in the table.
        return null;

     * Method put for class HashtableChain.
     * @post This key-value pair is inserted in the
     *       table and numKeys is incremented. If the key is already
     *       in the table, its value is changed to the argument
     *       value and numKeys is not changed.
     * @param key The key of item being inserted
     * @param value The value for this key
     * @return The old value associated with this key if
     *         found; otherwise, null
    public V put(K key, V value) {
        int index = key.hashCode() % table.length;
        if (index < 0) {
            index += table.length;
        if (table[index] == null) {
            // Create a new linked list at table[index].
            table[index] = new LinkedList<>();

        // Search the list at table[index] to find the key.
        for (Entry<K, V> nextItem : table[index]) {
            // If the search is successful, replace the old value.
            if (nextItem.getKey().equals(key)) {
                // Replace value for this key.
                V oldVal = nextItem.getValue();
                return oldVal;

        // assert: key is not in the table, add new item.
        table[index].addFirst(new Entry<>(key, value));
        if (numKeys > (LOAD_THRESHOLD * table.length)) {
        return null;

    /** Returns true if empty 
        @return true if empty
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return numKeys == 0;


假设表的大小为10,key.hashCode()为124,因此找到的索引为4。在每个循环中,table [index]从table [4]开始




索引正递增1,4,5,6,7 ...依此类推。但是索引0、1、2、3呢?他们被检查了吗?(我认为不是)是否有可能在其中一个索引上出现密钥?(我想是的)。


[0] -> null
[1] -> LinkedList -> item 1 -> item 2 -> item 3
[2] -> LinkedList -> item 1
[3] -> null
[4] -> LinkedList -> item 1 -> item 2
[5] -> LinkedList -> item 1 -> item 2 -> item 3 -> item 4
[6] -> null



if (table[index] == null) {
    return null; // key is not in the table.


 // LinkedList<Entry<K, V>> list = table[index]
 for (Entry<K, V> nextItem : table[index]) {
     // iterate over item 1, item 2, item 3 until we find one that is equal.
     if (nextItem.getKey().equals(key)) {
         return nextItem.getValue();


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